Is there any way to lock the keys on the keyboard so that an 18 month old cannot make the computer perform functions I didn't know it was capable of?
This kid runs up and types and suddenly the computer is downloading things, backgrounds are changed, harddrives are reformatted etc etc.
I understand keeping the kid away would be ideal but for those times when it's not possible I want to know how to lock the keys.
Thank you.How to lock a keyboard to prevent toddler from messing up computer settings?If you have a PC, you can use CTRL + ALT + Delete (in that sequence) to lock the computer. It works best if you're password protected to decrease the odds of a valid key sequence being entered to unlock.
If you get into the habit of doing that as soon as you get up from the computer, you'll find that it's second nature %26amp; should prevent your little PC terrorists from striking at random.